Development, IT outsourcing, DevOps

The tasks we solve:

  • implement your idea of a startup
  • create your online representation
  • simplify your communication with customers
  • move your business online
  • strengthen your development team
  • automate your processes
  • migrate your infrastructure to the cloud
  • redesign your service
Don't see what you need —

Web Development

We develop websites, portals, configurators, ERP systems, and SaaS solutions; integrate many backend systems into one API, and automate business processes.
Web Development
Web Development

Mobile Development

We develop native and cross-platform applications that are convenient for your customers and employees.
Mobile Development
Mobile Development


We build interaction between development and operation teams, set up continuous integration CI/CD tools, check the code for vulnerabilities, and eliminate security threats.


We create designs for mobile and web applications, analyze user experience to work out interfaces and navigation, develop corporate identity elements from the logo to the design style of social networks.


We integrate new IT solutions into companies' business processes. We analyze existing digital systems, propose changes, and describe technical requirements based on business requirements.

Сareer Site

We develop unique career websites that are convenient for HR specialists, attractive for job seekers and understandable for managers.
Сareer Site


We build a product team interested in your idea, develop MVPs and project prototypes, use flexible management methodologies, offer and test hypotheses, and collaborate to foster project development.

IT Outsourcing

We provide our in-house specialists to strengthen or expand your team, take on tasks at any stage, quickly get into gear, and do not leave technical debt.
IT Outsourcing
IT Outsourcing

Technological Focus

Cloud Solutions

We develop solutions using cloud technologies. We are experienced in Azure SQL, Azure Redis, Azure Service Bus, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Cloud Service, Azure Table. We create solutions using a serverless approach.

Cross-Platform Applications

We develop mobile applications for Android and iOS on Flutter. This way we are able to reduce TTM (time to market) for the app and cut costs for development, updating, and support.


We select the optimal platform for organizing the infrastructure, reducing costs, and increasing security. We work according to the principles of DevOps — Ci/CD, Infrastructure as Code, Kubernetes, High Availability, Hybrid System, Disaster Recovery.


We calculate the final price of the project after drawing up the technical task or if it is provided at the start of the project
We work both under fixed-price and Time & Materials contracts.

Fill in the application form

Tell us about the project, and we will implement it

Once we have received your application, we will contact you within 4 working hours: first we will discuss the project goals and requirements then draw up a cooperation plan

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