Mobile app development «Who am I Today?» for social

About project
A mobile app for self-expression
Elements of project
Social networks have become an integral part of our life: they help us to share our news and emotions with relatives and friends. Why not do it in a new creative way, appealing even to introverts?
So, some proactive initiators from our company have come up with the idea of a tool for self-expression.
Target audience
Young people aged 12 to 30 years.
Available for Russian and English speaking audience.

To develop IOS and Android mobile apps allowing users to post a sticker-status in one touch to all popular Social Networks and messengers.
Learn and explore the new technology in practice: develop a cross-platform mobile application using the Flutter framework.
Optimize labor costs for future app updates.
To simplify the interaction of mobile app users with the system through modern UX-solutions.

Specific Features
The mobile application “Who am I today?” was developed in the time off commercial projects. As part of the training, INOSTUDIO tech team successfully studied the new framework in order to develop cross-platform applications for our customers.
Flutter is a cross-platform framework. And therefore, we were able to significantly reduce labor costs when developing the second version of the application. As a result, in order to update “Who am I today?” in the future, we will need only one developer (instead of two).
The main screen of the application was to display an endless carousel of pictures, where we used a ready-made UI component. But during the implementation, our team faced the lack of the necessary functionality in the component. We constructed a dynamic image-loading element, which allowed us to save smartphone's RAM, as well as documented the changes and shared them with the Flutter community.

We drew 5 thematic collections containing 80 crazy, creative, extraordinary, outstanding stickers with the images of animals for our one-size-fits-all solution.
Our designer team turned the application characters into the Telegram-stickers format.
Our technical experts made an easy-to use search through status pictures for any mood and easy switching between characters.
We also added the Recent section to quickly find recently selected characters.
And of course, we implemented one-touch publication in all popular social networks and instant messengers: VKontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, WhatsApp.
Studied and learnt to use a new technology, now successfully implemented in one commercial and two company projects (at the time of the case publication).
Prepared a modern design meeting the trends of the mobile industry.
Compared with the previous version of the application, the number of installations on the iOS platform increased by 2.5 times (* compared to the spring of 2019).
Danil Shklyarsky
Alexander Shniperson
Olga Dyba
Ekaterina Korolyova
- RxJava
- Dagger 2
- Ormlite
- Retrofit
- Flutter
- Dart
- Carousel_slider
- Flutter_i18n
- Flutter_svg
- Http
- Flutter_cache_manager
- Sqflite
- Firebase_analytics
- Firebase_crashlytics